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Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day

 McGillivray Life says Thank You to all Veterans! 

However, we cannot seem to thank the Veterans without also thanking all that died while in military service, the men and women serving today and their families!

So, on this Veterans Day, McGillivray Life is honored to post many McGillivrays who have, or are serving in the military, world-wide.

All photos and information has been forwarded to us from families with permission from the photo subject and/or owner.

 Eshcol (Joe) Edward McGillivray and his wife Kathryn S McGillivray
                                            Joe was in Na Trang Vietnam


 Dave McGillivray
Vietnam 1971. This is my Company, India Co. 2nd Platoon, First Marine Division.
 This was in front of an old French Church

Dates of service are, June 4th 1970 to June 4th 1973, Vietnam 1970 and 1971

Dave is in center
Dave said, "We were on Hill 190, it is a fire base with artillery guns, in the back ground is a river, that is the DMZ, North Vietnam. Standing with me is two other Marines of my company from Minnesota, about 1/3rd of my company was from Minnesota." 

Sonny McGillivray
Served 22 yrs in the Air Force. He served in Korea and Vietnam war. Was stationed in Anchorage Alaska, Canada, Minnesota twice and finally Mississippi where he retired as a Tech Sargeant. He was in Electronics dealing with Radar Systems and taught electronics the last 9 yrs at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS. He was a bronze star recipient from Vietnam. My dad worked at Ingalls Shipbuilding for 16 yrs. before falling to cancer in 1989.
Contributed by Sonny's son, Tim McGillivray

Frank McGillivray Jr.
Air Force

Greg McGillivray
"I was in (the Navy) from February 1976 through February 1980 and my rank was BM3 and I was in during a war"

Bill McGillivray
Dave McGillivray also shared this. "Uncle Bill did four jumps during WW2. His first jump was in Sicily, then Anzio, then Normandy and his last one was Market Garden. He was a real hero and one to me too. Bill's outfit was as follows; Staff Sgt. Willard McGillivray H Company 3Rd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division , 4 Jumps"

Alexander McGillivray
1874 to 1957 Born in Ontario, Canada
Residence in Minnesota
Spanish-American War - 1898
Alexander McGillivray
Headstone request of the military

Roxanne McGillivray My Dad served.. Paul (Bud) McGillivray, Army WWII. Korean War, my brother, Rick McGillivray.. 
my nephew, Andy McGillivray, 
and Taylor McGillivray.

Paul (Bud) McGillivray

Dea Douglas Melvin McGillivray served. That is the only detail I know. I have a pic of him in his uniform. Somewhere...... I would assume Korean War

Alexander McGillivray
Judi Brannigan's grandfather


                                           Lauraileen NĂ­ Chonchubhair
Was in the US Air Force for almost 22 years. This photo is me as a Lt Col, at the dedication ceremony for the Women's Memorial at Arlington Cemetery in Washington DC

Pam Adams (a McGilvrey) has a full family of McGilvrey veterans and active servicemen. See the following:

Lester N. McGilvrey
 Pam Adams My great uncle Lester N. McGilvrey, United States Navy, he retired from the Navy and has since passed. Uncle Les was in WWII and Korea.

Pam Adams Robert McGilvrey, United States Air Force. My cousin and son of Lester N. McGilvrey.  Robert would have been in service during Viet Nam.

        Clarence E. Walker

Pam Adams Clarence E. (Buck) Walker, USN served WWII. Deceased

                                                     Arthur W. Walker
                     Pam Adams Arthur W. Walker, USN served WWII. Deceased

Pam Adams Harry S. Walker, Army served. WWII

Pam Adams Mickey M. Walker (my Dad), USN served Korea and Viet Nam

Pam Adams Now the 1st cousins: Don M. Jones, USN served Viet Nam

Pam Adams Bob Jones, USN served Viet Nam retired @ either 35 or 40 years.

Pam Adams Arthur W. Jones, Army and later USN served Viet Nam retired @ 20 years, deceased.

Pam Adams I don't have pictures for Rusty Jones, USN served Viet Nam, retired 30 years.

Or for Allen R. Jones, USMC served Viet Nam retired 30 years, deceased.

Pam Adams Richard Walker, Army served Viet Nam

Pam Adams I don't have a picture of Scott Walker, USAF served mid-late '70's

Pam Adams 1st cousins once removed (or second cousins): Don Jones, USAF served late '70's - early '80's

Pam Adams Stephen W. Jones, USN served early '80's -'90's. Deceased

Pam Adams Douglas L. Walker, USN served early '80's.

Pam Adams Marty Ray, USN served early '80's.

Pam Adams My nephews: Michael Snellgrose, USN he received his discharge a couple of months ago. Still on active reserve.

Pam Adams Patrick Snellgrose, USN currently serving.

Pam Adams Gregory Merrell, USN served mid '80's.

Pam Adams I don't have a picture of Christopher Jones, USN served late '80's

Ian McGillivray-My brother Robert Anthony McGillivray Royal regiment of Wales in Northern Ireland in the 1970s RIP2015

Isabel Reid
  In 1943 I joined the ATS (Auxiliary Territorial Service) and trained as a Special Wireless Operator in the Isle of Man.  I was attached to the Royal Corps of Signals and posted to a receiving station on the Yorkshire moors where the weather was cold and damp. Thirty girls to one poorly built hut with a small pot belly stove for heating was not conducive to comfort! Because we worked in shifts the door was opening and closing all the time so sleep wasn't easy. I can remember waking up with snow on my blankets as the wall did not meet the roof at a few points. We did not complain because there was a war to be won. As it was a top secret job taking down German radio traffic we could not tell anyone what we were doing. Our work was sent and decoded at world famous Bletchley Park, which helped to shorten the war by two years. Our work became public about 50 or 60 years later.A beautiful badge and a certificate was then made available to us.

 Bridget Margaret My 5x grandpa, William Mcgillivary. Loutenute Colonel Canada 1812.The corps of Canadian Voyageures.

 per Ann MacGillivray
 Baxter MacGillivray - Popski's Private Army 
John Alistair MacGillivray who was a Captain and spent some time in a Japanese Prisoner of War Camp, "Changi" See Far East Prisoners of War

per Anne McGillivary
Privare Alfred George McGillivary-The Pas Manitoba 
Sargeant Joeseph McGillivary-Cumberland House Saskatchewan
Private Martin Samuel McGillivary-The Pas Manitoba....

per Lynda McGillvrey

Russell McGillvrey USAF Served 27 years

And an anonymous note:
There are many of us who serve or have served in the military, such as myself. However, for security reasons, we cannot publicly say what we do. Sorry.

Below are several items found through and They include 
Different types of military records on McGillivrays. This is just a small sampling. What we enjoyed finding the most was that several recorded a great description of the person. Some of these I have found near on our family tree and some are unknown.

Angus MacGillivray
Army Private, The Seaforth Highlanders
Story in "The Roll of Honor" (shown below)

Albert Edward McGillivray
Medals awarded

George McGillivray
British Army
Medals awarded

Benjamin McGillivray
Military Registration Card
DOB: 08-26-1879
Residence: Minneapolis, MN

George McGillivray
Military Registration Card
DOB: 08-26-1879
Residence: Tacoma, Washington

We know there are many, many more McGillivrays that have served in their countries military that we would like to honor personally. So please know we THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, WHETHER NAMED OR NOT, FOR YOUR SERVICE!!
Please help us grow these lists so all McGillivrays and close family members can be remembered!!! Send pics and info via "Contact Us" on this page, right column or on McGillivray Life Facebook group page.


Mcgillivray, Mcgillivary, Macgillivray or Macgillivary Group

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