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Friday, May 27, 2016

McGillivray Life - Introduction

Hi to all our family out there! 

Let us introduce you to McGillivray Life, our new blog. There are a LOT of McGillivrays around the world and we want to get to know YOU, and your families. Do we all have that 'rumored' Scottish Highland fierceness and stubbornness? How many have fair skin and light-colored eyes?

In other words, besides filling out our family tree, what we really want is to find the many, many McGillivrays out there that we have never known, share pictures, tell stories and bring all our ancestors to LIFE!

Each week we will add information on an ancestral family member, pictures, or stories. We might add tips or sites for ancestral research, and from time-to-time, a slice of our own life.

Comments are open. So all the McGillivrays out there, let's talk!!
If anyone has a large volume to share, let us know; we can help.

Follow us, and our extended family,  on our ancestral and descendant journeys. We will try to keep you entertained!


  1. Hey there. I'm married to a McGillivray. I'm my own family line I have German, Irish, Scottish. O'Day, Hamilton ad believe Krueger. Not sure in the last name. I have several pagers of names or our McGillivray family way way back. They also have Cherokee. My husband & Siblings are I believe are 1/4th so all our children are 1/8th. My husbands Mother is 1/2 Cherokee and was from Teleco Plains, TN.

    1. Hi Kathryn,

      Welcome to our blog. I'm glad you brought up the Indian ancestry. I have not been able to prove this handed-down story but I have managed to find enough information to make it probable. I'll explain in a later blog post. But for now, I can tell you that it would be your husband's grandmother (mother's mother) that would have been 1/2 Indian making your kids 1/16th. Also Kathryn, I will contact you directly to discuss the information you have on our family. Thank you for commenting!

    2. In the Doc you got of the Printed family names, we're there much you found wrong that you know and your mother knows? I haven't checked if Linda got one. I'll do that now. Would sure love to see your farm. I Love them.

  2. Kathy, After Leroy passed away, Shelba gave my mom the document and notes of their genealogy research that Maggie had done for them. My mom gave them to me. There are certainly some items in Maggie’s work that do not coincide with research by Beverly and myself. I will review it all to find any mistakes, correct them, and let every one.

  3. I've always thought that the light hair and eyes came from the Hudsons, while the dark hair and eyes came from the McGillivrays.


We would love to hear from you!