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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Family [Photos]

 McGillivray FAMILY

McGillivrays everywhere I look. As I look through photo albums that have been shared with me, I lose track of time, in every sense. I see pictures of men and women I have only seen in my genealogy research.  I see 'family life' that I feel I could have easily been a part of. I read short stories of the incident behind the photo that transport there, laughing with the family. And I see pictures of men and women that look so very much like my dear grandpa (R.I.P. Eshcol), and like my wonderful mom, aunts and uncles. Oh, and I can't forget myself and my children. The McGillivray genetic traits are strong. 

So join me in viewing just a small sampling of photos, of just a few McGillivray families. 

at Alexander's funeral

Descendants of Eshcol Leroy McGillivray
Brothers: William (Bill), John, Bud, & Frank McGillivray
Linda & husband Loren

Gram dancing with Dave(: Jim, Mackie, & Dougie

Dave McGillivray - Marine
William and wife Minnie
Maxine McGillivray Ringler
playing Bingo, a favorite activity

Maxine McGillivray Ringler and Bud McGillivray

Back row; Vivian McGillivray, Lillian McGillivray, Ruth McGillivray, Easter McGillivray, Helen McGillivray, Front row: Gertrude Olin, Camilla Olin, Beula McGillivray, Rena Olin, Lorraine McGillivray

 Maxine McGillivray Ringler

Bill and wife, Betty
Roger McGillivray, Gary McGillivray, Doug Ringler...three musketeers!

Maxine McGillivray Ringler, Doug Ringler
and baby girl Barbara

Jim McGillivray

Will, Alex, Ben McGillivray

Alexander McGillivray

Alex McGillivray

Maude and Alexander McGillivray

An anniversary party 
Frank McGillivray, Al and Johnny
Building Ships in WA for Navy WWII

Frank & sons, Dave and JR

 PLEASE, feel free to add your own photos, stories, and thoughts in comments. Maybe we will even feature yours in a future post!

Photos courtesy of Dave McGillivray, Barbara Benge, Kathryn McGillivray, Linda Mayberry, Robbie Smith, and a few from our stash.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

How I Was Hooked


So I have to come clean and tell you that I have always hated history. You know the type, fall asleep while reading textbooks in school, fall asleep when your husband puts on a 'war flick', and museums - not on the top of my fun list. 

But I am a reader and I love to learn. One book I read just has to be given some credit for 'hooking' interest in MY genealogy. The book, "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon, is a historical fiction book mostly set in the mid-1700's of Scotland.  The story kept my interest and suddenly, Clan McGillivray enters the story involved in a major battle in Scotland. A little research on my part confirmed the facts I read in the book.  I was hooked on the book (which is an ongoing series with eight books so far and now a TV series through Starz), and hooked on finding out more about my ancestry!

I became a self-appointed McGillivray family researcher, at least from Eshcol Leroy's family line. With help, the McGillivray direct male ancestors from my line have been traced back to early 1700's in northern Scotland. And it is a HUGE family! 

As I started researching my ancestry, I began to find all the names and dates were... too much like history. Then I began finding events; much more exciting!  Events like when some family members left Scotland and took a ship to Canada. And the death of a James Mc Gillivray, age 81, who died on that ship in 1927.

I want to thank all the relatives that have shared their genealogy research on our family, that I have found so far. Specifically, Donna McGillivray, Raymond Leroy McGillivray and family, Beverly, whose mother was a McGillivray, And Gary McGillivray on Rootie along with June Leafblad. I also want to mention Facebook. Joining the  McGillivray Facebook group, plus being able to connect with each other has been a great help in finding relatives. A huge shout out to the McGillivrays in Minnesota, cousins from my Great Great Uncle Alexander.

And so, this blog is to be about, and for, all the McGillivrays,{ however you spell your last name} all over the world.  We look forward to some of your interesting stories, facts and photos too.  Please join my mom, Donna Mc and myself, Caitlin Mac in this endeavor.  Enjoy.

My son @ Culloden 

Real life - Barely 3 year old granddaughter
doesn't understand the importance of the site :)

Friday, May 27, 2016

McGillivray Life - Introduction

Hi to all our family out there! 

Let us introduce you to McGillivray Life, our new blog. There are a LOT of McGillivrays around the world and we want to get to know YOU, and your families. Do we all have that 'rumored' Scottish Highland fierceness and stubbornness? How many have fair skin and light-colored eyes?

In other words, besides filling out our family tree, what we really want is to find the many, many McGillivrays out there that we have never known, share pictures, tell stories and bring all our ancestors to LIFE!

Each week we will add information on an ancestral family member, pictures, or stories. We might add tips or sites for ancestral research, and from time-to-time, a slice of our own life.

Comments are open. So all the McGillivrays out there, let's talk!!
If anyone has a large volume to share, let us know; we can help.

Follow us, and our extended family,  on our ancestral and descendant journeys. We will try to keep you entertained!