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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wedding Spotlight {Photos}

More Clan Weddings

A reader shared with us his beautiful family on his wedding day.
Khollen Mac's Scotland Wedding

Khollen shared this photo taken at his wedding a few years back with 
his dad, step-mother, and of course he and his bride. 
The tartan is the “Flower of Scotland” in lieu of the MacGillivray. 
The ceremony was held at Dean Castle.

Photo credit - Dean Castle Country Park

 Dean Castle Country Park in Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland. It is a 14th century
 castle, with superior historical collections and exhibits, and was the stronghold for the 
Boyd Family, lords of Kilmarnock for over 400 years. The park is open to the public
 with 80+ hectares of countryside in an urban area that include the castle, woodland trails,
 specialty gardens, urban farms plus a visitor center with tea-room. 

Time to tell you something about me. 

I married my high school sweetheart, a year after graduation. Due to money and family issues,
my fiance and I decided to elope. My biggest problem with eloping was not getting married
in a church. So we decided to call the pastor of my fiance's parents' church.
She said she would be happy to marry us. So...on July 2nd, 1979,
with my new sister-in-law and her husband as witnesses,
we were married in the Northpoint Methodist Church.

Next month we will happily celebrate our 37th anniversary.
Caitlin Mac and Theodore Richards  1979

Friday, June 24, 2016

Weddings! [photos]

Let’s celebrate with pictures of clan

Robert McGillivray and wife Emma.
Bridegroom and Groomsman in full Highland dress. 
South Church in Bearsden, Glasgow. 28 November 1938.

Eshcol (Joe) McGillivray and his new wife Kathryn
at the Post Chapel on the Army Base at
Presidio of San Francisco, CA July 2, 1971

Donna McGillivray on her wedding day,
with her father Eshcol McGillivray. 1959
Diane Donaldson shared 
Her "men in kilts" picture from her
wedding, 18 years ago

We will have 1-2 more posts on weddings before the end of June. Send more if you would like to be included.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Where We Are Going

                                        Technical Difficulties
                                 We Hope It’s Working Now!!!  

So sorry for the delay in posts. As you can see, this is a new blog.
What we might not have told you is that we are new to the blogging (and associated tech!) arena. 

We have had some unexpected technical difficulties but we think all is handled now and  ðŸ”œ you should be seeing 2-3 posts a week. One post will be early in the week, Monday or Tuesday, and the second and possible third post will be at the end of the week, Friday and/or Saturday.

Posts to look for:  
  • Weddings: vintage, traditional, and current generation
  • Baby pictures
  • Vintage work pictures and ancestral occupations
  • Biographies of ancestors
  • Genealogy research tips and tricks
  • Info and pics of our clan’s homeland - Scotland
  • And your suggestions!

We hope you are enjoying the posts so far 😃  and are interested in where we are going. We want you to feel as if this blog is yours. After all, as my mother just reminded me, McGillivrays are a clan and as a clan, we are all related. We want to highlight your life, your ancestors, your pictures! Contact us and we will highlight your branch.

At the end of every post is a green, quick ‘reaction’ box to give us some feedback ✔️ if you don’t have the time to leave a comment. On some platforms the comment area is condensed with only a title of "No comments”. If you click on the “No comments”, the comment box will expand so you can leave any length message you want. We would love to hear from you, whether it is on a particular post, a complaint, questions, or suggestions on future posts. There is also a “CONTACT US” form in the right column that will send us an email.

So let’s get this CLAN CONNECTION started and bring everyone in our FAMILIES to LIFE!!

Thursday, June 16, 2016


I have been under the weather this week and I started thinking about our luxuries. During this week I have slept in my bed with the air conditioning on, or rested listening to an audiobook. Or I have made it out to the couch where I have watched TV.  And that's about all I have done. My husband has cooked and prepared my meals for me, kept the house quiet when I needed sleep, driven to town to pick up my medicine, and even washed laundry when he ran out of clean clothes.  


I have been remembering and researching what life was like when 
my mother was small and when her parents were young. There is  the obvious luxury of equipment: air conditioning, TV, audiobooks, washer/dryer, and stove.  But what I realize is our most precious luxury, something that everyone thinks they don't have, is TIME. 

Just imagine being sick and not being able to sleep until food was made for the whole family, for three meals each day, and cleaned up. No resting until clothes were hand scrubbed in water collected and heated, and then hung to dry. And "the guys" certainly couldn't take time off work to hitch the horses up and ride to town hoping to find a doctor and/or medicine that would help their family member. 

TIME, we never seem to have enough but we have so much more than families had in generations before. Just something to think about. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Big Families [photos]

Earlier we wrote that the McGillivrays were a big family. We have been continuing our research in the family tree and all we can say is WOW. We don't want to spoil the surprise <grin>, so we are only showing you a slim sampling.  Yesterday we showed you a 5 generation pedigree tree (1 family line). Today we are going to show 3 generations only, 2 family lines. The common generation is shown at the top, the family of John McGillivray. The second section shows 2 more generations from the Edward James family line. The third section shows 2 generations also, but this time from the Alexander family line. NOTE *.

John McGillivray
Children of John McGillivray and Mary Jane Hudson McGillivray
  1. Edward James*
  2. Alexander*
  3. Mary Jane
  4. George
  5. Benjamin
  6. Ellen Jane
  7. Frederick James
  8. Robert John
  9. William Henry

Children of Edward James McGillivray and Alice Pearl Mooney McGillivray
  1. Grace Viola
  2. John (Jack) Harold
  3. Edward Hugh
  4. Lillian Mae
  5. George Melvin
  6. Norman Alexander
  7. Norman Clifford
  8. Esther Mary
  9. Robert Russell
  10. James Clifton
  11. Eshcol Leroy*
  12. Myrtle Elizabeth
  13. Daniel Augustus
  14. Albert (Bud) Joseph
Children of Eshcol Leroy McGillivray and Dorothy Mae Miller McGillivray
  1. Jewel Mae
  2. Raymond Leroy
  3. Alvin Cecil
  4. Wilma Louise (stillborn)
  5. Linda 
  6. Donna 
  7. Joe
Alexander McGillivray
Children of Alexander McGillivray and Maude Goodrich McGillivray
  1. Ruth M. 
  2. Archie J.
  3. Clifford M.
  4. Frank*
  5. Benjamin 
  6. Glenda
  7. Rita
  8. Willard (Bill)
Children of Frank McGillivray and Olga Margaret Peterson McGillivray
  1. Clarence Albert (Sonny)
  2. Marlys
  3. Frank  (JR)
  4. Marilyn
  5. Judy
  6. David
  7. Greg
  8. Larry

Monday, June 6, 2016

Pedigree Tree

For some reference for our posts, here is a very simple pedigree tree. The pedigree tree is used to show a direct line of ancestry.

This pedigree tree is specifically written for all the children of Eshcol Leroy, giving them 5 generations of ancestry through their father.

You can use it for yourself if you know anyone in common. If you know your father or grandfather was a sibling to one of these relatives, everything down (earlier) would be your direct line as well.  i.e. Alexander from Staples is a brother to Edward James so John, William, and James are also your pedigree. If Alexander from Staples is your grandfather the list on the right would also be correct as this pedigree shows Edward James as a grandfather. If Alexander is your great-grandfather, then move the last list up a notch. You will end up with James McGillivray as your GGGG (4X) Grandfather.

We know it is confusing but we will be posting more pedigrees and some small sections of trees for your use also, as time allows.

Eshcol Leroy McGillivray                1911-1978                      Father
Edward James McGillivray             1870-1946                    Grandfather
John McGillivray                             1841-1893                    Great Grandfather
William McGillivray                         1814-1847                     Great Great Grandfather
James McGillivray                          1776-1859                     GGG Grandfather

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Memories of My Dad

Hi there,

My daughter started this blog to learn more about her McGillivray ancestors.

I am going to try to add to this blog, starting with stories about my dad, Eshcol (ECK) McGillivray. Please keep in mind that I am 74 years old and trying to remember 60 to 70 years ago, so I may not always be completely correct in my stories, but they are my memories of my childhood with my dad.

My dad could be kind and gentle or he could fly off the handle without warning in what everyone always called, an ECK-fit. These consisted of yelling and ranting over nothing in particular that passed within minutes.  As children, we learned to ignore these outbursts as our dad's personality.  We knew nothing would come of them!  Now, I prefer to concentrate on the kind and gentle memories I have of my dad.

One vivid memory is from when I was very young, probably 5 or 6. Dad said if my sister Linda, who was 2 years older, and I would do the dinner dishes he would teach us to play the card game Rummy. 

I stood on an apple crate to wash the dishes while Linda dried and put them away.  True to his word, Dad sat us down at the kitchen table and taught us to play rummy.  We played all evening with Mom as a fourth and fell in love with the game.  From that day forward we were included in all the card games that were routinely played in the evenings while listening to the radio.  Card playing remained a family tradition throughout my entire life as a child and adult and is still my favorite way to pass the time.

Another memory was when I was 7 years old and my baby brother was born.  There were already 5 children in the family. I came home from school to find a new baby in the house and my mother in bed with my grandmother sitting bedside her.  My father stood back a ways listening to the conversation.

As a McGillivray, my grandmother wanted this new boy to be named after her late husband, Edward James and her son, Eshcol. My grandma insisted the baby be called Edward Eshcol.  My mother, a quiet southern woman of great strength replied, "The name will be Eshcol Edward.  After all, Eshcol is his father".

After several minutes of arguing, my dad announced to all, "I don't care what you name him, I'm calling him Joey"  and he walked out of the room, decision made! That is how my brother became Eshcol Edward McGillivray and was called Joey, and now Joe, his entire life. And how my dad solved problems!

This is just a couple small stories about my dad with many more to come.

 I would love to hear your stories of childhood and forward.

Shh, Mom doesn't know it but I found this
picture of her and her dad on her
Wedding day. Best picture I have of them!