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Thursday, June 16, 2016


I have been under the weather this week and I started thinking about our luxuries. During this week I have slept in my bed with the air conditioning on, or rested listening to an audiobook. Or I have made it out to the couch where I have watched TV.  And that's about all I have done. My husband has cooked and prepared my meals for me, kept the house quiet when I needed sleep, driven to town to pick up my medicine, and even washed laundry when he ran out of clean clothes.  


I have been remembering and researching what life was like when 
my mother was small and when her parents were young. There is  the obvious luxury of equipment: air conditioning, TV, audiobooks, washer/dryer, and stove.  But what I realize is our most precious luxury, something that everyone thinks they don't have, is TIME. 

Just imagine being sick and not being able to sleep until food was made for the whole family, for three meals each day, and cleaned up. No resting until clothes were hand scrubbed in water collected and heated, and then hung to dry. And "the guys" certainly couldn't take time off work to hitch the horses up and ride to town hoping to find a doctor and/or medicine that would help their family member. 

TIME, we never seem to have enough but we have so much more than families had in generations before. Just something to think about. 

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