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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cousins - first, removed? What?

Hi Cousin!!

First born, first cousins - Eshcol McG's grandchildren
L to R: Rodney, Barry, Karen, Scott
Not pictured: Tina, Tommy

You might be my first cousin, second, third, or fourth cousin. You might be my first cousin once removed. Or a first cousin twice removed, second cousin once removed, etc. So what does all this mean.

Personally, if you are related (other than my known aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) I figure you are family and I would like to call you cousin!

However, for accuracy in family trees, and trivia games, let's figure out the method to the madness of 2nd, 3rd, or fourth cousins and 1st cousins once, twice, or thrice removed.

  • First cousins - These are the kids of your mom's or your dad's sisters and brothers. This means first cousins have (or had) one pair of grandparents that are the same. 
  • Second cousins - These are the kids of your Grandparents sisters and brothers. These cousins will share a pair of Great Grandparents. 
  • Third cousins -  These are the kids of your Great Grandparents sisters and brothers.
And so on down the line.

Cousins that are 'removed' means that they are not of the same generation.
  • Once removed is one generation difference such as you and a cousin of one of your parents.
  • Twice removed is two generations difference such as you and a cousin of one of your grandparents.
  • Three times removed is three generations difference such as, you guessed it,  you and a cousin of of one of your Great Grandparents.
And so on down the line.

Now you may think you will never know any third cousins or ever use the thrice removed. But combined, you may find you can use it often. I have found a whole extended family of cousins and we share an ancestor that goes back 4 generations for me. Then it is just figuring out how far back it  is for them!


1.  What is the correct term for the relationship between me and my cousin as described below?  

My cousin's grandfather was Alex. 

Alex's brother was Edward James. 

My great grandfather was Edward James.

2.  Your first cousin and you have grown up, both had a son, and both sons had a daughter. 

          A.  What is the relationship between the two young girls?
         B.  What is your relationship to your first cousins grand-daughter?
          C.  What is the relationship between your son and your first cousins granddaughter?
(answers below)

YES, it can be confusing. Luckily, most family tree makers automatically configure the relationship so you don't have to. ;).  Also, luckily, most relatives are happy to be called cousin without the technical jargon added!!     Go say 'HI' to one of your cousins today! 

( 1.Third cousin once removed, 2A. First cousins, 2B. First cousin twice removed, 2C. Second cousins once removed)  

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