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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Who, Me?

My husband called me stubborn yesterday!

It isn't the first time but it is rare. I didn't want to wait for him to find the time to do some small thing that I could do myself and really wanted done yesterday. So when he 'caught' me, I was almost done and he just shook his head and said "Don't ever call me the stubborn one."

We have a 'traditional' style of marriage, he wearing the pants and 
me barefoot LOL, just playing in the kitchen preserving food or in the garden. The ‘conflict’ above was something hubby felt was ‘man’s work’. LOL

I like to think of myself as a person that 'goes with the flow'. I am very happy to be the follower or wallflower, at least as long as there is a competent leader. Saying that, I have found myself volunteering for more than one leadership type position - when competancy was in question. And I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to " What do you want to....", because I am very flexible and easy going. I really like most everything so I really don't need to be the decision maker and I prefer to let others do that…unless, of course, I question the competency!

Depending on what you believe, there are a few ideas out there that just might point out natural stubborn traits I should have. ;)

I am the oldest child in my family by 7 years, but I don’t have control issues! I am a Taurus, traits of the Bull include stubbornness. Not me. I am of Scottish and Irish descent; even have the fair coloring but you won’t see any fierceness from me. 

Could I be??  Am I, maybe, just a little bit STUBBORN?   NO, not me,....unless, well maybe......but only when I question competency!!! 


Just to be clear, my husband is not incompetant. He is very competent, mechanically-inclined, skilled carpenter, and overall great handyman, besides my great love for him. But when I have gone to the store, or government building, or most anywhere and have been inundated by incompetency, my uh.....cough, cough. ....stubbornness......might rise up and show its face!


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